Removing CO₂ from the atmosphere requires specific expertise. Some sciences, whose application might not seem immediate to a project like ours, are in fact fundamental to its development: we have decided to explain why, starting with geochemistry.

07 MAY 2024

Why geochemistry?

At CarpeCarbon we are pragmatic dreamers. Our project has the ambition to deal with all aspects of carbon removal: the capture, production, sale of carbon credits, and the storage of CO2. This last aspect is crucial to claim we have effectively removed CO2 from the atmosphere.
We are convinced that the best guarantee of the permanence of the removal process is the change of state of the carbon dioxide, which means its final transformation from a gas to something else more stable: a mineral. As a discipline that studies minerals and interactions that take place between rocks and fluids that pass through them, geochemistry becomes essential to give scientific solidity to our project.


How does CO2 become a mineral?

No magic, just chemistry. When placed in contact with specific rocks, CO2 and water react with the minerals that make up these rocks, dissolving some of them and forming others. This reaction fixes in a solid form the carbon molecule that was previously free to move in the gaseous state.

Our team is working to find and characterize the right rocks, with the correct minerals and physical characteristics, to allow this spontaneous reaction quickly.
This research will bring us all around the world!